COVID-19 Weekend Mass Regulations
COVID-19 Weekend Mass Regulations
Dear Parishioners of Sacred Heart,
We hope that everyone is safe and well during these unordinary times. We are pleased to announce that Sacred Heart will be opening up for people to attend Mass in person over the weekend, but with new procedures in place. We thank you for your patience and prayerful support. Please read the following protocols thoroughly to know how you can attend Mass in person again!
General Information:
If you are sick, or have a persistent (new) cough, or are more susceptible to infection (like to COVID 19) and or caring for someone who is more susceptible, please stay home and continue watching Mass via live stream.
Masses will be limited to 90 attendees (25% capacity) in the main sanctuary.
If you are 10 years old and up you must wear a mask or a face covering on the church grounds and during Mass.
Please bring your own hand sanitizer that can be used before receiving Holy Communion.
If you don`t have your own hand sanitizer, hand sanitizer will be provided.
Please arrive 15 to 30 minutes before the Mass begins to stand in line to get checked in.
Please have your phone or ticket in hand and ready to be scanned to enter the church.
The main doors of the church will be opened 30 minutes prior to the start of Mass. The back doors will be locked, so please enter through the main doors, because they will be the only door unlocked.
Once you are let in, someone will guide you to your seats. The seating will be filled from front to back. You will be seated with your household similar to boarding an airplane.
Families may sit together in the same pews without social distancing between family members.
You may be sharing a pew with another household, but there will be social distancing (6 feet apart) between the two households. This will be marked by Tape.
The Holy water fonts will remain empty
Communicants will receive the Host on their hands.
Social distancing should be practiced as you leave the church
The gift shop will be closed
Mass Departure Procedures:
Once the final blessing is finished, parishioners must remain in their pews.
Pews will be dismissed in an orderly fashion starting in the back of the church and then moving to the front of the church. This will be similar to exiting an airplane.
You must exit your pew when prompted
Private prayer is not available after Sunday Masses to allow the church to be sanitized afterward.
You can drop your weekly offertory as you depart
Clergy and staff members will not shake hands, instead, they will wave as you exit.
Please do not congregate outside but head directly to your vehicle to allow the next Mass to start on time. Please leave your mask or face covering on until you get inside your vehicle.
Once again thank you for your patience and prayer during these tough and unusual times. We hope to see you soon!